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To instill the work ethic, skill set, attitude, and problem solving capabilities into all 
students that ensures their future success.
To be the first high performing, urban school district in the United States based on
student achievement, teacher expectations, parental involvement and 
community/business engagement.

Latest News

Vaccines Required For School Entry

Required Vaccines

Whenever children are brought into group settings, there is a chance for diseases to spread. Students
must follow state vaccine laws in order to attend school. These laws are the minimum standard to help
prevent disease outbreaks in school settings. The best way to protect students in your care from other
serious diseases is to promote the recommended vaccination schedule at
Encourage parents to follow CDC’s recommended schedule; by doing so, school requirements will be met.
We want your feedback

Parent/Guardian Perception Survey

The Parent/Guardian Perception Survey was developed to collect information from parents and guardians about their interpersonal relationships with teachers and school administration, their satisfaction and involvement with the school district, and other factors related to school environment. RCS would greatly appreciate your feedback to this survey to help us move the district forward. Please complete the survey before March 29th. Thank you.
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